FREE Robotic Mount - FREE Ship

Space Jam

*Codes must be entered at the command line when 
starting the game preceded by SJ 
(i.e. "sj big_toons" for a single cheat 
or "sj big_toons alwaysdunk" etc for multiple cheats).
alwaysdunk: makes every shot a dunk.
alwaysmakeshot: never miss a shot.
big_monstars: enlarges monstars.
big_toons: enlarges tune squad.
endlessturbo: permanently maxes your turbo meter.
fadeaways: jumps in whichever direction you were moving.
fastgame: accelerates game speed.
kanopef: super cheat.
little_monstars: shrinks monstars.
little_toons: shrinks tune squad.
noai: turns off opponent AI.
noinbounds: removes need for inbounding.
noshotclock: disables the shot clock.
superjump: strengthens jumps.
superpush: strengthens pushes.
turbofly: turbo button provides extra boost when jumping.

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