FREE Robotic Mount - FREE Ship

Star Wars- Rogue Squadron

To enter the passcodes, simply click on Settings 
from the game's console, the click on General. 
Type in the passcodes into the blank are labeled 
"Enter Passcode Here". 
To delete a passcode, i.e, the Chicken Passcode, 
simply click on the passcode, and press Shift-Del.

CHICKEN    - Play as an AT-ST 
LEIAWRKOUT - Activate joystick force feedback feature
GUNDARK    - Changes force feedback control for joystick
CREDITS    - View credits
DIRECTOR   - Let's you view all the cutscenes
IAMDOLLY   - Gives you Unlimited Lives  
TOUGHGUY   -  Gives you all powerups in the game 
HIKEN      - Hidden secondary weapons.
NEUC       - Destroys all Imperial ships on the radar.
LOKJOT     - Allows you to land and do repairs.
MAESTRO    - Let's you listen to all the sound themes. 
             Select "Concert Hall" from the High Scores
             menu to activate.
NUMBERTWO - Gives you infinite secondary weapons, 
            which mostly consists of missiles or bombs.


In the folder PLAYERPROFILES under the folder Rogue 
Squadron was installed into are the files containing 
the player info such as current mission number, what 
medals have been won, what rank the player has achieved, 
etc. The filename of the first player created for example

At hex address 32 in this file is the current mission number. 
Hex 00 is the first mission, 01 is the second, 02 the third, 
and so on until hex 0F, mission 16, which is apparently the 
last mission. Simply changing this number to anything up to 
hex 0F will allow access to that mission and all missions 
before it.

At hex address 31 is the player rank info. 
The following table shows the values and their effects:

00 = Trainee
01 = Cadet
02 = Ensign
03 = Officer
04 = Lieutenant
05 = Flight Leader
06 = Captain
07 = Squad Leader
08 = Gold Leader
09 = Major
0A = Commander
0B = Colonel
0C = General
0D = Line Admiral
0E = Fleet Admiral
0F = Supreme Allied Commander

Note: Even if this value is changed, the game will
continue "promoting" the player at it's own rate.

At hex 53 through hex 57 is the info for the medals
(Bronze, Silver, Gold). The following table shows the
values and their effects:

0 = No Medals
1 = 1 Bronze
2 = 1 Silver
3 = 1 Gold
4 = 1 Bronze
5 = 2 Bronze
6 = 1 Bronze and 1 Silver
7 = 1 Bronze and 1 Gold
8 = 1 Silver
9 = 1 Bronze and 1 Silver
A = 2 Silver
B = 1 Silver and 1 Gold
C = 1 Gold
D = 1 Bronze and 1 Gold
E = 1 Silver and 1 Gold
F = 2 Gold

So, as each byte consists of 2 hex numbers, a hex 4D for
example would be:
1 Bronze plus 1 Bronze and 1 Gold for 2 Bronze and 1 Gold in that byte.
Apparently the maximum number of possible medals is 19, so
a hex FF FF FF FF FF would be 19 Gold rather than 20 Gold. 

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