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Jazz Jackrabbit 2

*Enter the following codes during game play (single player only).
JJAMMO: grants all weapons and full ammo.
JJBIRD: grants assistance from the bird.
JJCOINS: grants coins.
JJENDING: successfully ends the game.
JJFLY: grants helicopter ears first time, a hoverboard the second.
JJGEMS: grants gems.
JJGOD: toggles invulnerability.
JJGUNS: grants all weapons and full ammo.
JJINV: toggles invulnerability.
JJK: kills your rabbit.
JJLIGHT: fully lights the level.
JJMORPH: morphs your rabbit each time entered (Jaz-Spaz-Bird-Frog-Jazz).
JJNEXT: skips to the next level.
JJQ: sends you back to windows.
JJRUSH: toggles extra speed (sugar rush).
JJSHIELD: grants the power shield.

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