FREE Robotic Mount - FREE Ship

Descent III

*Enter codes any time during gameplay.
 Demo cheats should not be used.

BURGERGOD: toggles god mode.
BYEBYEMONKEY: toggles third person chase view.
DEADOFNIGHT: destroys all robots.
FRAMELENGTH: displays frames per second (FPS).
FRAMETIME: displays frames per second (FPS).
IVEGOTIT: grants all weapons and full energy and shields.
MORECLANG: skips forward to the next level.
SHANANIGANS: displays funky texture set.
TELETUBBIES: mystery code.
TESTICUS: toggles permanent cloaking device.
TREESQUID: displays full map.
TUBERACER: destroys your ship.
Demo Codes:
BADTEXTURE: displays funky texture set.
FRAMELENGTH: displays frames per second (FPS).
FRAMETIME: displays frames per second (FPS).
LONGCHIMP: toggles third person chase view.
MIGHTYAPHRODITE: toggles permanent cloaking device.
YUMMYFUNYON: toggles god mode.
BLIMPIEBEST: grants all weapons.
FREEITUP: destroys all robots on current level.

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